• Wicca Spellbook Starter Kit
  • Wicca Spellbook Starter Kit

Wicca Spellbook Starter Kit

Rizal, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

₱30.00 (Fixed)

Type : For Sale
Condition : New
Warranty : No



Author: Liza Chamberlain
Publisher: Llewelyn
Format: electronic publication
Pages: 440
Language: English

Welcome to the Wicca Spellbook Starter Kit. Together, these three collections of spells, rituals, magical charms, and recipes form a comprehensive grimoire of accessible, practical magic to inspire and help you develop your own unique practice. Each Book of Shadows in this set expands on a form of magic covered in my three beginner guides, Candle Magic, Crystal Magic, and Herbal Magic. The 160 magical workings within are designed for beginners and more advanced practitioners alike. Book of Candle Spells focuses on working with the Element of Fire, and the potent vibrational frequencies of the visible light spectrum. Candles take center stage to varying degrees across the collection—some spells are focused exclusively on the combined magic of candle and color, while others incorporate additional tools such as crystals and other color-appropriate ingredients. The spells are also organized by color, with chapter introductions detailing the magical properties and uses for the 14 colors most widely used in Wiccan and other contemporary magic. Book of Crystal Spells is devoted to the magical uses of the 13 crystals and other mineral stones introduced in Crystal Magic. Many of these spells are focused on aspects of emotional healing and energetic balancing, two purposes that crystals are uniquely suited for, but you’ll also find more traditional goals represented, like prosperity, protection, and relationships. The spells are organized by stone, rather than by purpose, so you can develop a magical connection with different types of crystals, one at a time. You’ll find an overview of the properties of each stone in the chapter introduction. I  hope that you find many useful workings, and plenty of inspiration, in these three collections. As I always say in all of my books, follow your own inner guidance as you browse through the spells and read about the magical properties of colors, crystals, and herbs.

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