• jhay Cyrus construction services swimming pool

jhay Cyrus construction services swimming pool

San Rafael Rodriguez Rizal

₱40,000.00 (Negotiable)

Type : Service Offer
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes


We structural swimming pool
40k per sqm labor and materials, jacuzzi repair swimming pool construction swimming pool we offer Rip-Rap rustic araal Gabion resort structural Restaurant pavilion gazebo house painting Exterior interior house tiles cladding roofing ceiling waterproofing Roofdeck precast concrete fence pm Arjay Estrada contractor call or text 09454427534 telephone number (02)-88897155

You can find many great deals on Bentahero.com! Double check when the offer sounds too good to be true.

NOTE: Never pay in advance to a seller that you do not know. (Huwag kailanman mag-paunang bayad sa isang nagbebenta na hindi mo kilala.)
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  1. Never pay in advance to a seller that you do not know.
  2. Even if the seller discloses his/her personal information or bank account number, this does not protect you from being cheated.
  3. Always request for the original receipt of purchase from the seller, to verify that he/her is the rightful owner of the item; and to verify that the item is authentic.
  4. Avoid sending goods or payment; instead, meet in person and do COD (Cash on Delivery).
  5. Meet at a public place to deal.