• (70g) Lil Petie Pet Soap Madre De Cacao

(70g) Lil Petie Pet Soap Madre De Cacao

009 mahabang kahoy indang cavite

₱0.00 (Free)

Type : For Sale
Condition : New
Warranty : No


  • ✅ Treats Smelly Coats
  • ✅ Treats Infected Cuts
  • ✅ Prevents Bacterial and viral infections
  • ✅ Insect repellant Safety Level:
  • Our product is safe for all types of dog and cat breeds and can be used on newborns, puppies and kittens under 4months of age. This product poses no danger if licked or ingested. Non-toxic, biodegradable and hypoallergenic. It is organically made from Madre de Cacao that has been proven effective treatment and disinfectant for wounds and skin diseases since old age and still being used up to this time. However the product may not suit all skin types, discontinue the use of the product if there are any allergic reactions and see your vet. #pets #petlover #cat #dog #doglover #madredecacao #dogshampoo #petgrooming #antitickandflea #shampoo #mrstails #shampoowithconditioner
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